Saturday, January 31, 2009

Madness abounds

Madness is to think of too many things in succession to fast, or of one thing too exclusively – Voltaire
The ARRB of 2009, TARP on steroids, is an $819,000,000,000.00 tab being presented to “We the People of the United States” in an attempt to spend our way out of our economic dungeon. (Like digging your way out of a well?) This is force-feeding, top-down spending most of which will never get outside the DC beltline. This brings the total to $1,619,000,000,000.00 or an increase in debt of about $5,400 for every person in the US population. Like any of us need more debt.

Included in this installment is $10,000,000,000.00 for health care for children who do not have insurance coverage at the moment. Per Mr. Obama, this is “a down payment” on a universal health care plan for all Americans. Assuming this is 10% of the eventual cost, we are looking at another $1 TRILLION tab sometime in the next 4 years for health care. A related earmark is money to digitize all medical records into one giant data base on a computer(s) managed by the government. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, all of our medical records are going to be input into a data base to save millions from the elimination of paper records. (Hackers, blackmailers and con men are salivating as you read) There is no opt-out of this deal. Privacy? Fagetaboutit

Also included, by N. Pelosi, is several billion dollars for contraception-related expenditures. Sex education in schools, pregnancy prevention services, subsidized abortions, and financial support for related non-profits (e.g., Planned Parenthood). Condoms will be handed out in high schools like Obama bumper stickers last October.
Other provisions:
· $79 Billion in Fiscal Relief to states; :)
· $44 Million to rehab the US Dept of Ag. Headquarters in DC; :(
· $400 Million to refurbish our national monuments in DC; :(
· $100 million for low income housing lead paint abatement; :(
· $80 Million to fund an inspection dept. to make sure all of the other money is spent as planned - ARRB-TARP COP (where can I apply for that job?) :( :(
· Another $150 Billion installment to AIG because (boo hoo) they took a big loss on the sale of their Singapore financial operations and are still in trouble. (Does the image of a water hose in a gopher hole come to mind?) :( :( :( :(
Provisions Not found (but could be in there somewhere)
· Housing – foreclosure assistance
· Predatory lending abatement
· Immigration reform

There is a $500 per person tax credit to try to buy us off with this boondoggle. (Sorry guys, I may be easy, but I am NOT that cheap.)

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